Hokker type paraplu is dyn favorite?

Hokker type paraplu is dyn favorite?

It is feit dat, allinich as de himel tsjuster of reinich is, sille wy tinke dat wy in paraplu nedich binne.

Of, wy sille net tinke oer paraplu is needsaak yn it libben.Mar wy moatte altyd dingen tariede foardat de himel feroaret.

Hjir sille wy guon fan Ovida favorite paraplu's yntrodusearje.

In opsje: kompakte koarte paraplu

Foar in protte minsken tink ik dat de paraplu kin wurde pleatst yn hang-tas of rêchsek is it wichtichste ding, dus de earste paraplu moat de koarte, lichtgewicht en ek sterk wêze.

Hjirûnder is in loftventileare 3folding paraplu, it is mar 28cm as it is opfold, it gewicht is sawat 400g, en it is luchtventileare ûntwerp.Wy witte dat luchtventilaasje de bêste wyndichte opsje is, wy makken in opklapbere paraplu.

OV33003B (3) OV33003B (4)Dizze paraplu is it meast favorite paraplu-ûntwerp foar Ovida-team, om't it ús altyd kin helpe fan swiere rein en wyndei.

The second one is the same design, but straight golf umbrella type, it is good for travel or hiking. The umbrella option diameter could be from 103cm to 150cm, depends on the size of the ribs. Normally I do suggest clients do custom umbrella 150cm extra large one umbrella. That is huge and can cover even 4-5people.  You also could let ovida team know other size you want info@ovidaumbrella.com

OV13003 (2)

Njonken dizze twa soarten paraplu's hawwe wy ek de opklapbere golfparaplu, it liket op golfparaplu, grutte maat as iepen, mar it is koarter dan rjochte paraplu, it sil 54cm rûn wêze as it is opfold, iepen diameter lykas 120cm oant 130cm.Wy neame it twa opklapbare golfparaplu, of gewoan 2fold paraplu.

OV22006BWhich umbrella is your favorite one? Let ovida know info@ovidaumbrella.com, we will help your project come true.


Posttiid: Aug-23-2021